couchpotato.core.downloaders.blackhole module

class couchpotato.core.downloaders.blackhole.Blackhole[source]

Bases: couchpotato.core._base.downloader.main.DownloaderBase

download(data=None, media=None, filedata=None)

Send a torrent/nzb file to the downloader

  • data – dict returned from provider Contains the release information
  • media – media dict with information Used for creating the filename when possible
  • filedata – downloaded torrent/nzb filedata The file gets downloaded in the searcher and send to this function This is done to have failed checking before using the downloader, so the downloader doesn’t need to worry about that

boolean One faile returns false, but the downloaded should log his own errors


What protocols is this downloaded used for :return: list with protocols

isEnabled(manual=False, data=None)

Check if protocol is used (and enabled) :param manual: The user has clicked to download a link through the webUI :param data: dict returned from provider

Contains the release information
protocol = ['nzb', 'torrent', 'torrent_magnet']
status_support = False

Test and see if the directory is writable :return: boolean