Source code for couchpotato.core.softchroot

import os
import sys

[docs]class SoftChrootInitError(IOError): """Error during soft-chroot initialization""" pass
[docs]class SoftChroot: """Soft Chroot module Provides chroot feature for interation with Web-UI. Since it is not real chroot, so the name is SOFT CHROOT. The module prevents access to entire file-system, allowing access only to subdirs of SOFT-CHROOT directory. """ def __init__(self): self.enabled = None self.chdir = None
[docs] def initialize(self, chdir): """ initialize module, by setting soft-chroot-directory Sets soft-chroot directory and 'enabled'-flag Args: self (SoftChroot) : self chdir (string) : absolute path to soft-chroot Raises: SoftChrootInitError: when chdir doesn't exist """ orig_chdir = chdir if chdir: chdir = chdir.strip() if (chdir): # enabling soft-chroot: if not os.path.isdir(chdir): raise SoftChrootInitError(2, 'SOFT-CHROOT is requested, but the folder doesn\'t exist', orig_chdir) self.enabled = True self.chdir = chdir.rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep else: self.enabled = False
[docs] def get_chroot(self): """Returns root in chrooted environment Raises: RuntimeError: when `SoftChroot` is not initialized OR enabled """ if None == self.enabled: raise RuntimeError('SoftChroot is not initialized') if not self.enabled: raise RuntimeError('SoftChroot is not enabled') return self.chdir
[docs] def is_root_abs(self, abspath): """ Checks whether absolute path @abspath is the root in the soft-chrooted environment""" if None == self.enabled: raise RuntimeError('SoftChroot is not initialized') if None == abspath: raise ValueError('abspath can not be None') if not self.enabled: # if not chroot environment : check, whether parent is the same dir: parent = os.path.dirname(abspath.rstrip(os.path.sep)) return parent==abspath # in soft-chrooted env: check, that path == chroot path = abspath.rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep return self.chdir == path
[docs] def is_subdir(self, abspath): """ Checks whether @abspath is subdir (on any level) of soft-chroot""" if None == self.enabled: raise RuntimeError('SoftChroot is not initialized') if None == abspath: return False if not self.enabled: return True if not abspath.endswith(os.path.sep): abspath += os.path.sep return abspath.startswith(self.chdir)
[docs] def chroot2abs(self, path): """ Converts chrooted path to absolute path""" if None == self.enabled: raise RuntimeError('SoftChroot is not initialized') if not self.enabled: return path if None == path or len(path)==0: return self.chdir if not path.startswith(os.path.sep): path = os.path.sep + path return self.chdir[:-1] + path
[docs] def abs2chroot(self, path, force = False): """ Converts absolute path to chrooted path""" if None == self.enabled: raise RuntimeError('SoftChroot is not initialized') if None == path: raise ValueError('path is empty') if not self.enabled: return path if path == self.chdir.rstrip(os.path.sep): return '/' resulst = None if not path.startswith(self.chdir): if (force): result = self.get_chroot() else: raise ValueError("path must starts with 'chdir': %s" % path) else: l = len(self.chdir)-1 result = path[l:] return result