Source code for couchpotato.core.plugins.scanner

import os
import re
import threading
import time
import traceback

from couchpotato import get_db
from couchpotato.core.event import fireEvent, addEvent
from couchpotato.core.helpers.encoding import toUnicode, simplifyString, sp, ss
from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import getExt, getImdb, tryInt, \
    splitString, getIdentifier
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog
from couchpotato.core.plugins.base import Plugin
from guessit import guess_movie_info
from subliminal.videos import Video
import enzyme
from six.moves import filter, map, zip

log = CPLog(__name__)

autoload = 'Scanner'

[docs]class Scanner(Plugin):
ignored_in_path = [os.path.sep + 'extracted' + os.path.sep, 'extracting', '_unpack', '_failed_', '_unknown_', '_exists_', '_failed_remove_', '_failed_rename_', '.appledouble', '.appledb', '.appledesktop', os.path.sep + '._', '.ds_store', 'cp.cpnfo', 'thumbs.db', 'ehthumbs.db', 'desktop.ini'] # unpacking, smb-crap, hidden files ignore_names = ['extract', 'extracting', 'extracted', 'movie', 'movies', 'film', 'films', 'download', 'downloads', 'video_ts', 'audio_ts', 'bdmv', 'certificate'] extensions = { 'movie': ['mkv', 'wmv', 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'mp4', 'm2ts', 'iso', 'img', 'mdf', 'ts', 'm4v', 'flv'], 'movie_extra': ['mds'], 'dvd': ['vts_*', 'vob'], 'nfo': ['nfo', 'txt', 'tag'], 'subtitle': ['sub', 'srt', 'ssa', 'ass'], 'subtitle_extra': ['idx'], 'trailer': ['mov', 'mp4', 'flv'] } threed_types = { 'Half SBS': [('half', 'sbs'), ('h', 'sbs'), 'hsbs'], 'Full SBS': [('full', 'sbs'), ('f', 'sbs'), 'fsbs'], 'SBS': ['sbs'], 'Half OU': [('half', 'ou'), ('h', 'ou'), 'hou'], 'Full OU': [('full', 'ou'), ('h', 'ou'), 'fou'], 'OU': ['ou'], 'Frame Packed': ['mvc', ('complete', 'bluray')], '3D': ['3d'] } file_types = { 'subtitle': ('subtitle', 'subtitle'), 'subtitle_extra': ('subtitle', 'subtitle_extra'), 'trailer': ('video', 'trailer'), 'nfo': ('nfo', 'nfo'), 'movie': ('video', 'movie'), 'movie_extra': ('movie', 'movie_extra'), 'backdrop': ('image', 'backdrop'), 'poster': ('image', 'poster'), 'thumbnail': ('image', 'thumbnail'), 'leftover': ('leftover', 'leftover'), } file_sizes = { # in MB 'movie': {'min': 200}, 'trailer': {'min': 2, 'max': 199}, 'backdrop': {'min': 0, 'max': 5}, } codecs = { 'audio': ['DTS', 'AC3', 'AC3D', 'MP3'], 'video': ['x264', 'H264', 'x265', 'H265', 'DivX', 'Xvid'] } resolutions = { '2160p': {'resolution_width': 3840, 'resolution_height': 2160, 'aspect': 1.78}, '1080p': {'resolution_width': 1920, 'resolution_height': 1080, 'aspect': 1.78}, '1080i': {'resolution_width': 1920, 'resolution_height': 1080, 'aspect': 1.78}, '720p': {'resolution_width': 1280, 'resolution_height': 720, 'aspect': 1.78}, '720i': {'resolution_width': 1280, 'resolution_height': 720, 'aspect': 1.78}, '480p': {'resolution_width': 640, 'resolution_height': 480, 'aspect': 1.33}, '480i': {'resolution_width': 640, 'resolution_height': 480, 'aspect': 1.33}, 'default': {'resolution_width': 0, 'resolution_height': 0, 'aspect': 1}, } audio_codec_map = { 0x2000: 'AC3', 0x2001: 'DTS', 0x0055: 'MP3', 0x0050: 'MP2', 0x0001: 'PCM', 0x003: 'WAV', 0x77a1: 'TTA1', 0x5756: 'WAV', 0x6750: 'Vorbis', 0xF1AC: 'FLAC', 0x00ff: 'AAC', } source_media = { 'Blu-ray': ['bluray', 'blu-ray', 'brrip', 'br-rip'], 'HD DVD': ['hddvd', 'hd-dvd'], 'DVD': ['dvd'], 'HDTV': ['hdtv'] } clean = '([ _\,\.\(\)\[\]\-]|^)(3d|hsbs|sbs|||ou|half.ou|full.ou|extended|extended.cut|directors.cut|french|fr|swedisch|sw|danish|dutch|nl|swesub|subs|spanish|german|ac3|dts|custom|dc|divx|divx5|dsr|dsrip|dutch|dvd|dvdr|dvdrip|dvdscr|dvdscreener|screener|dvdivx|cam|fragment|fs|hdtv|hdrip' \ '|hdtvrip|webdl|web.dl|webrip||internal|limited|multisubs|ntsc|ogg|ogm|pal|pdtv|proper|repack|rerip|retail|r3|r5|bd5|se|svcd|swedish|german|read.nfo|nfofix|unrated|ws|telesync|ts|telecine|tc|brrip|bdrip|video_ts|audio_ts|480p|480i|576p|576i|720p|720i|1080p|1080i|hrhd|hrhdtv|hddvd|bluray|x264|h264|x265|h265|xvid|xvidvd|xxx|www.www|hc|\[.*\])(?=[ _\,\.\(\)\[\]\-]|$)' multipart_regex = [ '[ _\.-]+cd[ _\.-]*([0-9a-d]+)', #*cd1 '[ _\.-]+dvd[ _\.-]*([0-9a-d]+)', #*dvd1 '[ _\.-]+part[ _\.-]*([0-9a-d]+)', #*part1 '[ _\.-]+dis[ck][ _\.-]*([0-9a-d]+)', #*disk1 'cd[ _\.-]*([0-9a-d]+)$', #cd1.ext 'dvd[ _\.-]*([0-9a-d]+)$', #dvd1.ext 'part[ _\.-]*([0-9a-d]+)$', #part1.mkv 'dis[ck][ _\.-]*([0-9a-d]+)$', #disk1.mkv '()[ _\.-]+([0-9]*[abcd]+)(\.....?)$', '([a-z])([0-9]+)(\.....?)$', '()([ab])(\.....?)$' #*a.mkv ] cp_imdb = '\.cp\((?P<id>tt[0-9]+),?\s?(?P<random>[A-Za-z0-9]+)?\)' def __init__(self): addEvent('scanner.create_file_identifier', self.createStringIdentifier) addEvent('scanner.remove_cptag', self.removeCPTag) addEvent('scanner.scan', self.scan) addEvent('scanner.name_year', self.getReleaseNameYear) addEvent('scanner.partnumber', self.getPartNumber) def scan(self, folder = None, files = None, release_download = None, simple = False, newer_than = 0, return_ignored = True, check_file_date = True, on_found = None): folder = sp(folder) if not folder or not os.path.isdir(folder): log.error('Folder doesn\'t exists: %s', folder) return {} # Get movie "master" files movie_files = {} leftovers = [] # Scan all files of the folder if no files are set if not files: try: files = [] for root, dirs, walk_files in os.walk(folder, followlinks=True): files.extend([sp(os.path.join(sp(root), ss(filename))) for filename in walk_files]) # Break if CP wants to shut down if self.shuttingDown(): break except: log.error('Failed getting files from %s: %s', (folder, traceback.format_exc())) log.debug('Found %s files to scan and group in %s', (len(files), folder)) else: check_file_date = False files = [sp(x) for x in files] for file_path in files: if not os.path.exists(file_path): continue # Remove ignored files if self.isSampleFile(file_path): leftovers.append(file_path) continue elif not self.keepFile(file_path): continue is_dvd_file = self.isDVDFile(file_path) if self.filesizeBetween(file_path, self.file_sizes['movie']) or is_dvd_file: # Minimal 300MB files or is DVD file # Normal identifier identifier = self.createStringIdentifier(file_path, folder, exclude_filename = is_dvd_file) identifiers = [identifier] # Identifier with quality quality = fireEvent('quality.guess', files = [file_path], size = self.getFileSize(file_path), single = True) if not is_dvd_file else {'identifier':'dvdr'} if quality: identifier_with_quality = '%s %s' % (identifier, quality.get('identifier', '')) identifiers = [identifier_with_quality, identifier] if not movie_files.get(identifier): movie_files[identifier] = { 'unsorted_files': [], 'identifiers': identifiers, 'is_dvd': is_dvd_file, } movie_files[identifier]['unsorted_files'].append(file_path) else: leftovers.append(file_path) # Break if CP wants to shut down if self.shuttingDown(): break # Cleanup del files # Sort reverse, this prevents "Iron man 2" from getting grouped with "Iron man" as the "Iron Man 2" # files will be grouped first. leftovers = set(sorted(leftovers, reverse = True)) # Group files minus extension ignored_identifiers = [] for identifier, group in movie_files.items(): if identifier not in group['identifiers'] and len(identifier) > 0: group['identifiers'].append(identifier) log.debug('Grouping files: %s', identifier) has_ignored = 0 for file_path in list(group['unsorted_files']): ext = getExt(file_path) wo_ext = file_path[:-(len(ext) + 1)] found_files = set([i for i in leftovers if wo_ext in i]) group['unsorted_files'].extend(found_files) leftovers = leftovers - found_files has_ignored += 1 if ext == 'ignore' else 0 if has_ignored == 0: for file_path in list(group['unsorted_files']): ext = getExt(file_path) has_ignored += 1 if ext == 'ignore' else 0 if has_ignored > 0: ignored_identifiers.append(identifier) # Break if CP wants to shut down if self.shuttingDown(): break # Create identifiers for all leftover files path_identifiers = {} for file_path in leftovers: identifier = self.createStringIdentifier(file_path, folder) if not path_identifiers.get(identifier): path_identifiers[identifier] = [] path_identifiers[identifier].append(file_path) # Group the files based on the identifier delete_identifiers = [] for identifier, found_files in path_identifiers.items(): log.debug('Grouping files on identifier: %s', identifier) group = movie_files.get(identifier) if group: group['unsorted_files'].extend(found_files) delete_identifiers.append(identifier) # Remove the found files from the leftover stack leftovers = leftovers - set(found_files) # Break if CP wants to shut down if self.shuttingDown(): break # Cleaning up used for identifier in delete_identifiers: if path_identifiers.get(identifier): del path_identifiers[identifier] del delete_identifiers # Group based on folder delete_identifiers = [] for identifier, found_files in path_identifiers.items(): log.debug('Grouping files on foldername: %s', identifier) for ff in found_files: new_identifier = self.createStringIdentifier(os.path.dirname(ff), folder) group = movie_files.get(new_identifier) if group: group['unsorted_files'].extend([ff]) delete_identifiers.append(identifier) # Remove the found files from the leftover stack leftovers -= leftovers - set([ff]) # Break if CP wants to shut down if self.shuttingDown(): break # leftovers should be empty if leftovers: log.debug('Some files are still left over: %s', leftovers) # Cleaning up used for identifier in delete_identifiers: if path_identifiers.get(identifier): del path_identifiers[identifier] del delete_identifiers # Make sure we remove older / still extracting files valid_files = {} while True and not self.shuttingDown(): try: identifier, group = movie_files.popitem() except: break # Check if movie is fresh and maybe still unpacking, ignore files newer than 1 minute if check_file_date: files_too_new, time_string = self.checkFilesChanged(group['unsorted_files']) if files_too_new:'Files seem to be still unpacking or just unpacked (created on %s), ignoring for now: %s', (time_string, identifier)) # Delete the unsorted list del group['unsorted_files'] continue # Only process movies newer than x if newer_than and newer_than > 0: has_new_files = False for cur_file in group['unsorted_files']: file_time = self.getFileTimes(cur_file) if file_time[0] > newer_than or file_time[1] > newer_than: has_new_files = True break if not has_new_files: log.debug('None of the files have changed since %s for %s, skipping.', (time.ctime(newer_than), identifier)) # Delete the unsorted list del group['unsorted_files'] continue valid_files[identifier] = group del movie_files total_found = len(valid_files) # Make sure only one movie was found if a download ID is provided if release_download and total_found == 0:'Download ID provided (%s), but no groups found! Make sure the download contains valid media files (fully extracted).', release_download.get('imdb_id')) elif release_download and total_found > 1:'Download ID provided (%s), but more than one group found (%s). Ignoring Download ID...', (release_download.get('imdb_id'), len(valid_files))) release_download = None # Determine file types processed_movies = {} while True and not self.shuttingDown(): try: identifier, group = valid_files.popitem() except: break if return_ignored is False and identifier in ignored_identifiers: log.debug('Ignore file found, ignoring release: %s', identifier) total_found -= 1 continue # Group extra (and easy) files first group['files'] = { 'movie_extra': self.getMovieExtras(group['unsorted_files']), 'subtitle': self.getSubtitles(group['unsorted_files']), 'subtitle_extra': self.getSubtitlesExtras(group['unsorted_files']), 'nfo': self.getNfo(group['unsorted_files']), 'trailer': self.getTrailers(group['unsorted_files']), 'leftover': set(group['unsorted_files']), } # Media files if group['is_dvd']: group['files']['movie'] = self.getDVDFiles(group['unsorted_files']) else: group['files']['movie'] = self.getMediaFiles(group['unsorted_files']) if len(group['files']['movie']) == 0: log.error('Couldn\'t find any movie files for %s', identifier) total_found -= 1 continue log.debug('Getting metadata for %s', identifier) group['meta_data'] = self.getMetaData(group, folder = folder, release_download = release_download) # Subtitle meta group['subtitle_language'] = self.getSubtitleLanguage(group) if not simple else {} # Get parent dir from movie files for movie_file in group['files']['movie']: group['parentdir'] = os.path.dirname(movie_file) group['dirname'] = None folder_names = group['parentdir'].replace(folder, '').split(os.path.sep) folder_names.reverse() # Try and get a proper dirname, so no "A", "Movie", "Download" etc for folder_name in folder_names: if folder_name.lower() not in self.ignore_names and len(folder_name) > 2: group['dirname'] = folder_name break break # Leftover "sorted" files for file_type in group['files']: if not file_type is 'leftover': group['files']['leftover'] -= set(group['files'][file_type]) group['files'][file_type] = list(group['files'][file_type]) group['files']['leftover'] = list(group['files']['leftover']) # Delete the unsorted list del group['unsorted_files'] # Determine movie group['media'] = self.determineMedia(group, release_download = release_download) if not group['media']: log.error('Unable to determine media: %s', group['identifiers']) else: group['identifier'] = getIdentifier(group['media']) or group['media']['info'].get('imdb') processed_movies[identifier] = group # Notify parent & progress on something found if on_found: on_found(group, total_found, len(valid_files)) # Wait for all the async events calm down a bit while threading.activeCount() > 100 and not self.shuttingDown(): log.debug('Too many threads active, waiting a few seconds') time.sleep(10) if len(processed_movies) > 0:'Found %s movies in the folder %s', (len(processed_movies), folder)) else: log.debug('Found no movies in the folder %s', folder) return processed_movies def getMetaData(self, group, folder = '', release_download = None): data = {} files = list(group['files']['movie']) for cur_file in files: if not self.filesizeBetween(cur_file, self.file_sizes['movie']): continue # Ignore smaller files if not data.get('audio'): # Only get metadata from first media file meta = self.getMeta(cur_file) try: data['titles'] = meta.get('titles', []) data['video'] = meta.get('video', self.getCodec(cur_file, self.codecs['video'])) data['audio'] = meta.get('audio', self.getCodec(cur_file, self.codecs['audio'])) data['audio_channels'] = meta.get('audio_channels', 2.0) if meta.get('resolution_width'): data['resolution_width'] = meta.get('resolution_width') data['resolution_height'] = meta.get('resolution_height') data['aspect'] = round(float(meta.get('resolution_width')) / meta.get('resolution_height', 1), 2) else: data.update(self.getResolution(cur_file)) except: log.debug('Error parsing metadata: %s %s', (cur_file, traceback.format_exc())) pass data['size'] = data.get('size', 0) + self.getFileSize(cur_file) data['quality'] = None quality = fireEvent('quality.guess', size = data.get('size'), files = files, extra = data, single = True) # Use the quality that we snatched but check if it matches our guess if release_download and release_download.get('quality'): data['quality'] = fireEvent('quality.single', release_download.get('quality'), single = True) data['quality']['is_3d'] = release_download.get('is_3d', 0) if data['quality']['identifier'] != quality['identifier']:'Different quality snatched than detected for %s: %s vs. %s. Assuming snatched quality is correct.', (files[0], data['quality']['identifier'], quality['identifier'])) if data['quality']['is_3d'] != quality['is_3d']:'Different 3d snatched than detected for %s: %s vs. %s. Assuming snatched 3d is correct.', (files[0], data['quality']['is_3d'], quality['is_3d'])) if not data['quality']: data['quality'] = quality if not data['quality']: data['quality'] = fireEvent('quality.single', 'dvdr' if group['is_dvd'] else 'dvdrip', single = True) data['quality_type'] = 'HD' if data.get('resolution_width', 0) >= 1280 or data['quality'].get('hd') else 'SD' filename = re.sub(self.cp_imdb, '', files[0]) data['group'] = self.getGroup(filename[len(folder):]) data['source'] = self.getSourceMedia(filename) if data['quality'].get('is_3d', 0): data['3d_type'] = self.get3dType(filename) return data def get3dType(self, filename): filename = ss(filename) words = re.split('\W+', filename.lower()) for key in self.threed_types: tags = self.threed_types.get(key, []) for tag in tags: if (isinstance(tag, tuple) and '.'.join(tag) in '.'.join(words)) or (isinstance(tag, (str, unicode)) and ss(tag.lower()) in words): log.debug('Found %s in %s', (tag, filename)) return key return '' def getMeta(self, filename): try: p = enzyme.parse(filename) # Video codec vc = ('H264' if[0].codec == 'AVC1' else 'x265' if[0].codec == 'HEVC' else[0].codec) # Audio codec ac =[0].codec try: ac = self.audio_codec_map.get([0].codec) except: pass # Find title in video headers titles = [] try: if p.title and self.findYear(p.title): titles.append(ss(p.title)) except: log.error('Failed getting title from meta: %s', traceback.format_exc()) for video in try: if video.title and self.findYear(video.title): titles.append(ss(video.title)) except: log.error('Failed getting title from meta: %s', traceback.format_exc()) return { 'titles': list(set(titles)), 'video': vc, 'audio': ac, 'resolution_width': tryInt([0].width), 'resolution_height': tryInt([0].height), 'audio_channels':[0].channels, } except enzyme.exceptions.ParseError: log.debug('Failed to parse meta for %s', filename) except enzyme.exceptions.NoParserError: log.debug('No parser found for %s', filename) except: log.debug('Failed parsing %s', filename) return {} def getSubtitleLanguage(self, group): detected_languages = {} # Subliminal scanner paths = None try: paths = group['files']['movie'] scan_result = [] for p in paths: if not group['is_dvd']: video = Video.from_path(toUnicode(sp(p))) video_result = [(video, video.scan())] scan_result.extend(video_result) for video, detected_subtitles in scan_result: for s in detected_subtitles: if s.language and s.path not in paths: detected_languages[s.path] = [s.language] except: log.debug('Failed parsing subtitle languages for %s: %s', (paths, traceback.format_exc())) # IDX for extra in group['files']['subtitle_extra']: try: if os.path.isfile(extra): output = open(extra, 'r') txt = output.close() idx_langs = re.findall('\nid: (\w+)', txt) sub_file = '%s.sub' % os.path.splitext(extra)[0] if len(idx_langs) > 0 and os.path.isfile(sub_file): detected_languages[sub_file] = idx_langs except: log.error('Failed parsing subtitle idx for %s: %s', (extra, traceback.format_exc())) return detected_languages def determineMedia(self, group, release_download = None): # Get imdb id from downloader imdb_id = release_download and release_download.get('imdb_id') if imdb_id: log.debug('Found movie via imdb id from it\'s download id: %s', release_download.get('imdb_id')) files = group['files'] # Check for CP(imdb_id) string in the file paths if not imdb_id: for cur_file in files['movie']: imdb_id = self.getCPImdb(cur_file) if imdb_id: log.debug('Found movie via CP tag: %s', cur_file) break # Check and see if nfo contains the imdb-id nfo_file = None if not imdb_id: try: for nf in files['nfo']: imdb_id = getImdb(nf, check_inside = True) if imdb_id: log.debug('Found movie via nfo file: %s', nf) nfo_file = nf break except: pass # Check and see if filenames contains the imdb-id if not imdb_id: try: for filetype in files: for filetype_file in files[filetype]: imdb_id = getImdb(filetype_file) if imdb_id: log.debug('Found movie via imdb in filename: %s', nfo_file) break except: pass # Search based on identifiers if not imdb_id: for identifier in group['identifiers']: if len(identifier) > 2: try: filename = list(group['files'].get('movie'))[0] except: filename = None name_year = self.getReleaseNameYear(identifier, file_name = filename if not group['is_dvd'] else None) if name_year.get('name') and name_year.get('year'): search_q = '%(name)s %(year)s' % name_year movie = fireEvent('', q = search_q, merge = True, limit = 1) # Try with other if len(movie) == 0 and name_year.get('other') and name_year['other'].get('name') and name_year['other'].get('year'): search_q2 = '%(name)s %(year)s' % name_year.get('other') if search_q2 != search_q: movie = fireEvent('', q = search_q2, merge = True, limit = 1) if len(movie) > 0: imdb_id = movie[0].get('imdb') log.debug('Found movie via search: %s', identifier) if imdb_id: break else: log.debug('Identifier to short to use for search: %s', identifier) if imdb_id: try: db = get_db() return db.get('media', 'imdb-%s' % imdb_id, with_doc = True)['doc'] except: log.debug('Movie "%s" not in library, just getting info', imdb_id) return { 'identifier': imdb_id, 'info': fireEvent('', identifier = imdb_id, merge = True, extended = False) } log.error('No imdb_id found for %s. Add a NFO file with IMDB id or add the year to the filename.', group['identifiers']) return {} def getCPImdb(self, string): try: m =, string.lower()) id ='id') if id: return id except AttributeError: pass return False def removeCPTag(self, name): try: return re.sub(self.cp_imdb, '', name).strip() except: pass return name def getSamples(self, files): return set(filter(lambda s: self.isSampleFile(s), files)) def getMediaFiles(self, files): def test(s): return self.filesizeBetween(s, self.file_sizes['movie']) and getExt(s.lower()) in self.extensions['movie'] and not self.isSampleFile(s) return set(filter(test, files)) def getMovieExtras(self, files): return set(filter(lambda s: getExt(s.lower()) in self.extensions['movie_extra'], files)) def getDVDFiles(self, files): def test(s): return self.isDVDFile(s) return set(filter(test, files)) def getSubtitles(self, files): return set(filter(lambda s: getExt(s.lower()) in self.extensions['subtitle'], files)) def getSubtitlesExtras(self, files): return set(filter(lambda s: getExt(s.lower()) in self.extensions['subtitle_extra'], files)) def getNfo(self, files): return set(filter(lambda s: getExt(s.lower()) in self.extensions['nfo'], files)) def getTrailers(self, files): def test(s): return'(^|[\W_])trailer\d*[\W_]', s.lower()) and self.filesizeBetween(s, self.file_sizes['trailer']) return set(filter(test, files)) def getImages(self, files): def test(s): return getExt(s.lower()) in ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'tbn'] files = set(filter(test, files)) images = { 'backdrop': set(filter(lambda s:'(^|[\W_])fanart|backdrop\d*[\W_]', s.lower()) and self.filesizeBetween(s, self.file_sizes['backdrop']), files)) } # Rest images['rest'] = files - images['backdrop'] return images def isDVDFile(self, file_name): if list(set(file_name.lower().split(os.path.sep)) & set(['video_ts', 'audio_ts'])): return True for needle in ['vts_', 'video_ts', 'audio_ts', 'bdmv', 'certificate']: if needle in file_name.lower(): return True return False def keepFile(self, filename): # ignoredpaths for i in self.ignored_in_path: if i in filename.lower(): log.debug('Ignored "%s" contains "%s".', (filename, i)) return False # All is OK return True def isSampleFile(self, filename): is_sample ='(^|[\W_])sample\d*[\W_]', filename.lower()) if is_sample: log.debug('Is sample file: %s', filename) return is_sample def filesizeBetween(self, file, file_size = None): if not file_size: file_size = [] try: return file_size.get('min', 0) < self.getFileSize(file) < file_size.get('max', 100000) except: log.error('Couldn\'t get filesize of %s.', file) return False def getFileSize(self, file): try: return os.path.getsize(file) / 1024 / 1024 except: return None def createStringIdentifier(self, file_path, folder = '', exclude_filename = False): identifier = file_path.replace(folder, '').lstrip(os.path.sep) # root folder identifier = os.path.splitext(identifier)[0] # ext # Exclude file name path if needed (f.e. for DVD files) if exclude_filename: identifier = identifier[:len(identifier) - len(os.path.split(identifier)[-1])] # Make sure the identifier is lower case as all regex is with lower case tags identifier = identifier.lower() try: path_split = splitString(identifier, os.path.sep) identifier = path_split[-2] if len(path_split) > 1 and len(path_split[-2]) > len(path_split[-1]) else path_split[-1] # Only get filename except: pass # multipart identifier = self.removeMultipart(identifier) # remove cptag identifier = self.removeCPTag(identifier) # simplify the string identifier = simplifyString(identifier) year = self.findYear(file_path) # groups, release tags, scenename cleaner identifier = re.sub(self.clean, '::', identifier).strip(':') # Year if year and identifier[:4] != year: split_by = ':::' if ':::' in identifier else year identifier = '%s %s' % (identifier.split(split_by)[0].strip(), year) else: identifier = identifier.split('::')[0] # Remove duplicates out = [] for word in identifier.split(): if not word in out: out.append(word) identifier = ' '.join(out) return simplifyString(identifier) def removeMultipart(self, name): for regex in self.multipart_regex: try: found = re.sub(regex, '', name) if found != name: name = found except: pass return name def getPartNumber(self, name): for regex in self.multipart_regex: try: found =, name) if found: return return 1 except: pass return 1 def getCodec(self, filename, codecs): codecs = map(re.escape, codecs) try: codec ='[^A-Z0-9](?P<codec>' + '|'.join(codecs) + ')[^A-Z0-9]', filename, re.I) return (codec and'codec')) or '' except: return '' def getResolution(self, filename): try: for key in self.resolutions: if key in filename.lower() and key != 'default': return self.resolutions[key] except: pass return self.resolutions['default'] def getGroup(self, file): try: match = re.findall('\-([A-Z0-9]+)[\.\/]', file, re.I) return match[-1] or '' except: return '' def getSourceMedia(self, file): for media in self.source_media: for alias in self.source_media[media]: if alias in file.lower(): return media return None def findYear(self, text): # Search year inside () or [] first matches = re.findall('(\(|\[)(?P<year>19[0-9]{2}|20[0-9]{2})(\]|\))', text) if matches: return matches[-1][1] # Search normal matches = re.findall('(?P<year>19[0-9]{2}|20[0-9]{2})', text) if matches: return matches[-1] return '' def getReleaseNameYear(self, release_name, file_name = None): release_name = release_name.strip(' .-_') # Use guessit first guess = {} if file_name: try: guessit = guess_movie_info(toUnicode(file_name)) if guessit.get('title') and guessit.get('year'): guess = { 'name': guessit.get('title'), 'year': guessit.get('year'), } except: log.debug('Could not detect via guessit "%s": %s', (file_name, traceback.format_exc())) # Backup to simple release_name = os.path.basename(release_name.replace('\\', '/')) cleaned = ' '.join(re.split('\W+', simplifyString(release_name))) cleaned = re.sub(self.clean, ' ', cleaned) year = None for year_str in [file_name, release_name, cleaned]: if not year_str: continue year = self.findYear(year_str) if year: break cp_guess = {} if year: # Split name on year try: movie_name = cleaned.rsplit(year, 1).pop(0).strip() if movie_name: cp_guess = { 'name': movie_name, 'year': int(year), } except: pass if not cp_guess: # Split name on multiple spaces try: movie_name = cleaned.split(' ').pop(0).strip() cp_guess = { 'name': movie_name, 'year': int(year) if movie_name[:4] != year else 0, } except: pass if cp_guess.get('year') == guess.get('year') and len(cp_guess.get('name', '')) > len(guess.get('name', '')): cp_guess['other'] = guess return cp_guess elif guess == {}: cp_guess['other'] = guess return cp_guess guess['other'] = cp_guess return guess