Source code for couchpotato.core.plugins.quality.main

from math import fabs, ceil
import traceback
import re

from CodernityDB.database import RecordNotFound
from couchpotato import get_db
from couchpotato.api import addApiView
from couchpotato.core.event import addEvent, fireEvent
from couchpotato.core.helpers.encoding import toUnicode, ss
from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import mergeDicts, getExt, tryInt, splitString, tryFloat
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog
from couchpotato.core.plugins.base import Plugin
from couchpotato.core.plugins.quality.index import QualityIndex

log = CPLog(__name__)

[docs]class QualityPlugin(Plugin):
_database = { 'quality': QualityIndex } qualities = [ {'identifier': '2160p', 'hd': True, 'allow_3d': True, 'size': (10000, 650000), 'median_size': 20000, 'label': '2160p', 'width': 3840, 'height': 2160, 'alternative': [], 'allow': [], 'ext':['mkv'], 'tags': ['x264', 'h264', '2160']}, {'identifier': 'bd50', 'hd': True, 'allow_3d': True, 'size': (20000, 60000), 'median_size': 40000, 'label': 'BR-Disk', 'alternative': ['bd25', ('br', 'disk')], 'allow': ['1080p'], 'ext':['iso', 'img'], 'tags': ['bdmv', 'certificate', ('complete', 'bluray'), 'avc', 'mvc']}, {'identifier': '1080p', 'hd': True, 'allow_3d': True, 'size': (4000, 20000), 'median_size': 10000, 'label': '1080p', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'alternative': [], 'allow': [], 'ext':['mkv', 'm2ts', 'ts'], 'tags': ['m2ts', 'x264', 'h264', '1080']}, {'identifier': '720p', 'hd': True, 'allow_3d': True, 'size': (3000, 10000), 'median_size': 5500, 'label': '720p', 'width': 1280, 'height': 720, 'alternative': [], 'allow': [], 'ext':['mkv', 'ts'], 'tags': ['x264', 'h264', '720']}, {'identifier': 'brrip', 'hd': True, 'allow_3d': True, 'size': (700, 7000), 'median_size': 2000, 'label': 'BR-Rip', 'alternative': ['bdrip', ('br', 'rip'), 'hdtv', 'hdrip'], 'allow': ['720p', '1080p'], 'ext':['mp4', 'avi'], 'tags': ['webdl', ('web', 'dl')]}, {'identifier': 'dvdr', 'size': (3000, 10000), 'median_size': 4500, 'label': 'DVD-R', 'alternative': ['br2dvd', ('dvd', 'r')], 'allow': [], 'ext':['iso', 'img', 'vob'], 'tags': ['pal', 'ntsc', 'video_ts', 'audio_ts', ('dvd', 'r'), 'dvd9']}, {'identifier': 'dvdrip', 'size': (600, 2400), 'median_size': 1500, 'label': 'DVD-Rip', 'width': 720, 'alternative': [('dvd', 'rip')], 'allow': [], 'ext':['avi'], 'tags': [('dvd', 'rip'), ('dvd', 'xvid'), ('dvd', 'divx')]}, {'identifier': 'scr', 'size': (600, 1600), 'median_size': 700, 'label': 'Screener', 'alternative': ['screener', 'dvdscr', 'ppvrip', 'dvdscreener', 'hdscr', 'webrip', ('web', 'rip')], 'allow': ['dvdr', 'dvdrip', '720p', '1080p'], 'ext':[], 'tags': []}, {'identifier': 'r5', 'size': (600, 1000), 'median_size': 700, 'label': 'R5', 'alternative': ['r6'], 'allow': ['dvdr', '720p', '1080p'], 'ext':[]}, {'identifier': 'tc', 'size': (600, 1000), 'median_size': 700, 'label': 'TeleCine', 'alternative': ['telecine'], 'allow': ['720p', '1080p'], 'ext':[]}, {'identifier': 'ts', 'size': (600, 1000), 'median_size': 700, 'label': 'TeleSync', 'alternative': ['telesync', 'hdts'], 'allow': ['720p', '1080p'], 'ext':[]}, {'identifier': 'cam', 'size': (600, 1000), 'median_size': 700, 'label': 'Cam', 'alternative': ['camrip', 'hdcam'], 'allow': ['720p', '1080p'], 'ext':[]} ] pre_releases = ['cam', 'ts', 'tc', 'r5', 'scr'] threed_tags = { 'sbs': [('half', 'sbs'), 'hsbs', ('full', 'sbs'), 'fsbs'], 'ou': [('half', 'ou'), 'hou', ('full', 'ou'), 'fou'], '3d': ['2d3d', '3d2d', '3d'], } cached_qualities = None cached_order = None def __init__(self): addEvent('quality.all', self.all) addEvent('quality.single', self.single) addEvent('quality.guess', self.guess) addEvent('quality.pre_releases', self.preReleases) addEvent('quality.order', self.getOrder) addEvent('quality.ishigher', self.isHigher) addEvent('quality.isfinish', self.isFinish) addEvent('quality.fill', self.fill) addApiView('', self.saveSize) addApiView('quality.list', self.allView, docs = { 'desc': 'List all available qualities', 'return': {'type': 'object', 'example': """{ 'success': True, 'list': array, qualities }"""} }) addEvent('app.initialize', self.fill, priority = 10) addEvent('app.load', self.fillBlank, priority = 120) addEvent('app.test', self.doTest) self.order = [] self.addOrder() def addOrder(self): self.order = [] for q in self.qualities: self.order.append(q.get('identifier')) def getOrder(self): return self.order def preReleases(self): return self.pre_releases def allView(self, **kwargs): return { 'success': True, 'list': self.all() } def all(self): if self.cached_qualities: return self.cached_qualities db = get_db() temp = [] for quality in self.qualities: quality_doc = db.get('quality', quality.get('identifier'), with_doc = True)['doc'] q = mergeDicts(quality, quality_doc) temp.append(q) if len(temp) == len(self.qualities): self.cached_qualities = temp return temp def single(self, identifier = ''): db = get_db() quality_dict = {} quality = db.get('quality', identifier, with_doc = True)['doc'] if quality: quality_dict = mergeDicts(self.getQuality(quality['identifier']), quality) return quality_dict def getQuality(self, identifier): for q in self.qualities: if identifier == q.get('identifier'): return q def saveSize(self, **kwargs): try: db = get_db() quality = db.get('quality', kwargs.get('identifier'), with_doc = True) if quality: quality['doc'][kwargs.get('value_type')] = tryInt(kwargs.get('value')) db.update(quality['doc']) self.cached_qualities = None return { 'success': True } except: log.error('Failed: %s', traceback.format_exc()) return { 'success': False } def fillBlank(self): db = get_db() try: existing = list(db.all('quality')) if len(self.qualities) > len(existing): log.error('Filling in new qualities') self.fill(reorder = True) except: log.error('Failed filling quality database with new qualities: %s', traceback.format_exc()) def fill(self, reorder = False): try: db = get_db() order = 0 for q in self.qualities: existing = None try: existing = db.get('quality', q.get('identifier'), with_doc = reorder) except RecordNotFound: pass if not existing: db.insert({ '_t': 'quality', 'order': order, 'identifier': q.get('identifier'), 'size_min': tryInt(q.get('size')[0]), 'size_max': tryInt(q.get('size')[1]), })'Creating profile: %s', q.get('label')) db.insert({ '_t': 'profile', 'order': order + 20, # Make sure it goes behind other profiles 'core': True, 'qualities': [q.get('identifier')], 'label': toUnicode(q.get('label')), 'finish': [True], 'wait_for': [0], }) elif reorder: log.info2('Updating quality order') existing['doc']['order'] = order db.update(existing['doc']) order += 1 return True except: log.error('Failed: %s', traceback.format_exc()) return False def guess(self, files, extra = None, size = None, use_cache = True): if not extra: extra = {} # Create hash for cache cache_key = str([f.replace('.' + getExt(f), '') if len(getExt(f)) < 4 else f for f in files]) if use_cache: cached = self.getCache(cache_key) if cached and len(extra) == 0: return cached qualities = self.all() # Start with 0 score = {} for quality in qualities: score[quality.get('identifier')] = { 'score': 0, '3d': {} } # Use metadata titles as extra check if extra and extra.get('titles'): files.extend(extra.get('titles')) for cur_file in files: words = re.split('\W+', cur_file.lower()) name_year = fireEvent('scanner.name_year', cur_file, file_name = cur_file, single = True) threed_words = words if name_year and name_year.get('name'): split_name = splitString(name_year.get('name'), ' ') threed_words = [x for x in words if x not in split_name] for quality in qualities: contains_score = self.containsTagScore(quality, words, cur_file) threedscore = self.contains3D(quality, threed_words, cur_file) if quality.get('allow_3d') else (0, None) self.calcScore(score, quality, contains_score, threedscore, penalty = contains_score) size_scores = [] for quality in qualities: # Evaluate score based on size size_score = self.guessSizeScore(quality, size = size) loose_score = self.guessLooseScore(quality, extra = extra) if size_score > 0: size_scores.append(quality) self.calcScore(score, quality, size_score + loose_score) # Add additional size score if only 1 size validated if len(size_scores) == 1: self.calcScore(score, size_scores[0], 7) del size_scores # Return nothing if all scores are <= 0 has_non_zero = 0 for s in score: if score[s]['score'] > 0: has_non_zero += 1 if not has_non_zero: return None heighest_quality = max(score, key = lambda p: score[p]['score']) if heighest_quality: for quality in qualities: if quality.get('identifier') == heighest_quality: quality['is_3d'] = False if score[heighest_quality].get('3d'): quality['is_3d'] = True return self.setCache(cache_key, quality) return None def containsTagScore(self, quality, words, cur_file = ''): cur_file = ss(cur_file) score = 0.0 extension = words[-1] words = words[:-1] points = { 'identifier': 25, 'label': 25, 'alternative': 20, 'tags': 11, 'ext': 5, } scored_on = [] # Check alt and tags for tag_type in ['identifier', 'alternative', 'tags', 'label']: qualities = quality.get(tag_type, []) qualities = [qualities] if isinstance(qualities, (str, unicode)) else qualities for alt in qualities: if isinstance(alt, tuple): if len(set(words) & set(alt)) == len(alt): log.debug('Found %s via %s %s in %s', (quality['identifier'], tag_type, quality.get(tag_type), cur_file)) score += points.get(tag_type) if isinstance(alt, (str, unicode)) and ss(alt.lower()) in words and ss(alt.lower()) not in scored_on: log.debug('Found %s via %s %s in %s', (quality['identifier'], tag_type, quality.get(tag_type), cur_file)) score += points.get(tag_type) # Don't score twice on same tag scored_on.append(ss(alt).lower()) # Check extension for ext in quality.get('ext', []): if ext == extension: log.debug('Found %s with .%s extension in %s', (quality['identifier'], ext, cur_file)) score += points['ext'] return score def contains3D(self, quality, words, cur_file = ''): cur_file = ss(cur_file) for key in self.threed_tags: tags = self.threed_tags.get(key, []) for tag in tags: if isinstance(tag, tuple): if len(set(words) & set(tag)) == len(tag): log.debug('Found %s in %s', (tag, cur_file)) return 1, key elif tag in words: log.debug('Found %s in %s', (tag, cur_file)) return 1, key return 0, None def guessLooseScore(self, quality, extra = None): score = 0 if extra: # Check width resolution, range 20 if quality.get('width') and (quality.get('width') - 20) <= extra.get('resolution_width', 0) <= (quality.get('width') + 20): log.debug('Found %s via resolution_width: %s == %s', (quality['identifier'], quality.get('width'), extra.get('resolution_width', 0))) score += 10 # Check height resolution, range 20 if quality.get('height') and (quality.get('height') - 20) <= extra.get('resolution_height', 0) <= (quality.get('height') + 20): log.debug('Found %s via resolution_height: %s == %s', (quality['identifier'], quality.get('height'), extra.get('resolution_height', 0))) score += 5 if quality.get('identifier') == 'dvdrip' and 480 <= extra.get('resolution_width', 0) <= 720: log.debug('Add point for correct dvdrip resolutions') score += 1 return score def guessSizeScore(self, quality, size = None): score = 0 if size: size = tryFloat(size) size_min = tryFloat(quality['size_min']) size_max = tryFloat(quality['size_max']) if size_min <= size <= size_max: log.debug('Found %s via release size: %s MB < %s MB < %s MB', (quality['identifier'], size_min, size, size_max)) proc_range = size_max - size_min size_diff = size - size_min size_proc = (size_diff / proc_range) median_diff = quality['median_size'] - size_min median_proc = (median_diff / proc_range) max_points = 8 score += ceil(max_points - (fabs(size_proc - median_proc) * max_points)) else: score -= 5 return score def calcScore(self, score, quality, add_score, threedscore = (0, None), penalty = 0): score[quality['identifier']]['score'] += add_score threedscore, threedtag = threedscore if threedscore and threedtag: if threedscore not in score[quality['identifier']]['3d']: score[quality['identifier']]['3d'][threedtag] = 0 score[quality['identifier']]['3d'][threedtag] += threedscore # Set order for allow calculation (and cache) if not self.cached_order: self.cached_order = {} for q in self.qualities: self.cached_order[q.get('identifier')] = self.qualities.index(q) if penalty and add_score != 0: for allow in quality.get('allow', []): score[allow]['score'] -= ((penalty * 2) if self.cached_order[allow] < self.cached_order[quality['identifier']] else penalty) * 2 # Give panelty for all other qualities for q in self.qualities: if quality.get('identifier') != q.get('identifier') and score.get(q.get('identifier')): score[q.get('identifier')]['score'] -= 1 def isFinish(self, quality, profile, release_age = 0): if not isinstance(profile, dict) or not profile.get('qualities'): # No profile so anything (scanned) is good enough return True try: index = [i for i, identifier in enumerate(profile['qualities']) if identifier == quality['identifier'] and bool(profile['3d'][i] if profile.get('3d') else False) == bool(quality.get('is_3d', False))][0] if index == 0 or (profile['finish'][index] and int(release_age) >= int(profile.get('stop_after', [0])[0])): return True return False except: return False def isHigher(self, quality, compare_with, profile = None): if not isinstance(profile, dict) or not profile.get('qualities'): profile = fireEvent('profile.default', single = True) # Try to find quality in profile, if not found: a quality we do not want is lower than anything else try: quality_order = [i for i, identifier in enumerate(profile['qualities']) if identifier == quality['identifier'] and bool(profile['3d'][i] if profile.get('3d') else 0) == bool(quality.get('is_3d', 0))][0] except: log.debug('Quality %s not found in profile identifiers %s', (quality['identifier'] + (' 3D' if quality.get('is_3d', 0) else ''), \ [identifier + (' 3D' if (profile['3d'][i] if profile.get('3d') else 0) else '') for i, identifier in enumerate(profile['qualities'])])) return 'lower' # Try to find compare quality in profile, if not found: anything is higher than a not wanted quality try: compare_order = [i for i, identifier in enumerate(profile['qualities']) if identifier == compare_with['identifier'] and bool(profile['3d'][i] if profile.get('3d') else 0) == bool(compare_with.get('is_3d', 0))][0] except: log.debug('Compare quality %s not found in profile identifiers %s', (compare_with['identifier'] + (' 3D' if compare_with.get('is_3d', 0) else ''), \ [identifier + (' 3D' if (profile['3d'][i] if profile.get('3d') else 0) else '') for i, identifier in enumerate(profile['qualities'])])) return 'higher' # Note to self: a lower number means higher quality if quality_order > compare_order: return 'lower' elif quality_order == compare_order: return 'equal' else: return 'higher' def doTest(self): tests = { 'Movie Name (1999)-DVD-Rip.avi': {'size': 700, 'quality': 'dvdrip'}, 'Movie Name 1999 720p Bluray.mkv': {'size': 4200, 'quality': '720p'}, 'Movie Name 1999 BR-Rip 720p.avi': {'size': 1000, 'quality': 'brrip'}, 'Movie Name 1999 720p Web Rip.avi': {'size': 1200, 'quality': 'scr'}, 'Movie Name 1999 Web DL.avi': {'size': 800, 'quality': 'brrip'}, 'Movie.Name.1999.1080p.WEBRip.H264-Group': {'size': 1500, 'quality': 'scr'}, 'Movie.Name.1999.DVDRip-Group': {'size': 750, 'quality': 'dvdrip'}, 'Movie.Name.1999.DVD-Rip-Group': {'size': 700, 'quality': 'dvdrip'}, 'Movie.Name.1999.DVD-R-Group': {'size': 4500, 'quality': 'dvdr'}, 'Movie.Name.Camelie.1999.720p.BluRay.x264-Group': {'size': 5500, 'quality': '720p'}, 'Movie.Name.2008.German.DL.AC3.1080p.BluRay.x264-Group': {'size': 8500, 'extra': {'resolution_width': 1920, 'resolution_height': 1080} , 'quality': '1080p'}, 'Movie.Name.2004.GERMAN.AC3D.DL.1080p.BluRay.x264-Group': {'size': 8000, 'quality': '1080p'}, 'Movie.Name.2013.BR-Disk-Group.iso': {'size': 48000, 'quality': 'bd50'}, 'Movie.Name.2013.2D+3D.BR-Disk-Group.iso': {'size': 52000, 'quality': 'bd50', 'is_3d': True}, 'Movie.Rising.Name.Girl.2011.NTSC.DVD9-GroupDVD': {'size': 7200, 'quality': 'dvdr'}, 'Movie Name (2013) 2D + 3D': {'size': 49000, 'quality': 'bd50', 'is_3d': True}, 'Movie Monuments 2013 BrRip 1080p': {'size': 1800, 'quality': 'brrip'}, 'Movie Monuments 2013 BrRip 720p': {'size': 1300, 'quality': 'brrip'}, 'The.Movie.2014.3D.1080p.BluRay.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-GroupName': {'size': 30000, 'quality': 'bd50', 'is_3d': True}, '/home/namehou/Movie Monuments (2012)/Movie Monuments.mkv': {'size': 5500, 'quality': '720p', 'is_3d': False}, '/home/namehou/Movie Monuments (2012)/Movie Monuments Full-OU.mkv': {'size': 5500, 'quality': '720p', 'is_3d': True}, '/home/namehou/Movie Monuments (2013)/Movie Monuments.mkv': {'size': 10000, 'quality': '1080p', 'is_3d': False}, '/home/namehou/Movie Monuments (2013)/Movie Monuments Full-OU.mkv': {'size': 10000, 'quality': '1080p', 'is_3d': True}, '/volume1/Public/3D/Moviename/Moviename (2009).3D.SBS.ts': {'size': 7500, 'quality': '1080p', 'is_3d': True}, '/volume1/Public/Moviename/Moviename (2009).ts': {'size': 7500, 'quality': '1080p'}, '/movies/BluRay HDDVD H.264 MKV 720p EngSub/QuiQui le fou (criterion collection #123, 1915)/QuiQui le fou (1915) 720p x264 BluRay.mkv': {'size': 5500, 'quality': '720p'}, 'C:\\movies\QuiQui le fou (collection #123, 1915)\QuiQui le fou (1915) 720p x264 BluRay.mkv': {'size': 5500, 'quality': '720p'}, 'C:\\movies\QuiQui le fou (collection #123, 1915)\QuiQui le fou (1915) half-sbs 720p x264 BluRay.mkv': {'size': 5500, 'quality': '720p', 'is_3d': True}, 'Moviename 2014 720p HDCAM XviD DualAudio': {'size': 4000, 'quality': 'cam'}, 'Moviename (2014) - 720p CAM x264': {'size': 2250, 'quality': 'cam'}, 'Movie Name (2014).mp4': {'size': 750, 'quality': 'brrip'}, 'Moviename.2014.720p.R6.WEB-DL.x264.AC3-xyz': {'size': 750, 'quality': 'r5'}, 'Movie name 2014 New Source 720p HDCAM x264 AC3 xyz': {'size': 750, 'quality': 'cam'}, 'Movie.Name.2014.720p.HD.TS.AC3.x264': {'size': 750, 'quality': 'ts'}, 'Movie.Name.2014.1080p.HDrip.x264.aac-ReleaseGroup': {'size': 7000, 'quality': 'brrip'}, 'Movie.Name.2014.HDCam.Chinese.Subs-ReleaseGroup': {'size': 15000, 'quality': 'cam'}, 'Movie Name 2014 HQ DVDRip X264 AC3 (bla)': {'size': 0, 'quality': 'dvdrip'}, 'Movie Name1 (2012).mkv': {'size': 4500, 'quality': '720p'}, 'Movie Name (2013).mkv': {'size': 8500, 'quality': '1080p'}, 'Movie Name (2014).mkv': {'size': 4500, 'quality': '720p', 'extra': {'titles': ['Movie Name 2014 720p Bluray']}}, 'Movie Name (2015).mkv': {'size': 500, 'quality': '1080p', 'extra': {'resolution_width': 1920}}, 'Movie Name (2015).mp4': {'size': 6500, 'quality': 'brrip'}, 'Movie Name.2014.720p Web-Dl Aac2.0 h264-ReleaseGroup': {'size': 3800, 'quality': 'brrip'}, 'Movie Name.2014.720p.WEBRip.x264.AC3-ReleaseGroup': {'size': 3000, 'quality': 'scr'}, 'Movie.Name.2014.1080p.HDCAM.-.ReleaseGroup': {'size': 5300, 'quality': 'cam'}, 'Movie.Name.2014.720p.HDSCR.4PARTS.MP4.AAC.ReleaseGroup': {'size': 2401, 'quality': 'scr'}, 'Movie.Name.2014.720p.BluRay.x264-ReleaseGroup': {'size': 10300, 'quality': '720p'}, 'Movie.Name.2014.720.Bluray.x264.DTS-ReleaseGroup': {'size': 9700, 'quality': '720p'}, 'Movie Name 2015 2160p SourceSite WEBRip DD5 1 x264-ReleaseGroup': {'size': 21800, 'quality': '2160p'}, 'Movie Name 2012 2160p WEB-DL FLAC 5 1 x264-ReleaseGroup': {'size': 59650, 'quality': '2160p'} } correct = 0 for name in tests: test_quality = self.guess(files = [name], extra = tests[name].get('extra', None), size = tests[name].get('size', None), use_cache = False) or {} success = test_quality.get('identifier') == tests[name]['quality'] and test_quality.get('is_3d') == tests[name].get('is_3d', False) if not success: log.error('%s failed check, thinks it\'s "%s" expecting "%s"', (name, test_quality.get('identifier') + (' 3D' if test_quality.get('is_3d') else ''), tests[name]['quality'] + (' 3D' if tests[name].get('is_3d') else '') )) correct += success if correct == len(tests):'Quality test successful') return True else: log.error('Quality test failed: %s out of %s succeeded', (correct, len(tests)))