Source code for couchpotato.core.plugins.log.main

import os
import re
import traceback

from couchpotato.api import addApiView
from couchpotato.core.helpers.encoding import toUnicode
from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import tryInt, splitString
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog
from couchpotato.core.plugins.base import Plugin
from couchpotato.environment import Env

log = CPLog(__name__)

[docs]class Logging(Plugin):
def __init__(self): addApiView('logging.get', self.get, docs = { 'desc': 'Get the full log file by number', 'params': { 'nr': {'desc': 'Number of the log to get.'} }, 'return': {'type': 'object', 'example': """{ 'success': True, 'log': [{ 'time': '03-12 09:12:59', 'type': 'INFO', 'message': 'Log message' }, ..], //Log file 'total': int, //Total log files available }"""} }) addApiView('logging.partial', self.partial, docs = { 'desc': 'Get a partial log', 'params': { 'type': {'desc': 'Type of log', 'type': 'string: all(default), error, info, debug'}, 'lines': {'desc': 'Number of lines. Last to first. Default 30'}, }, 'return': {'type': 'object', 'example': """{ 'success': True, 'log': [{ 'time': '03-12 09:12:59', 'type': 'INFO', 'message': 'Log message' }, ..] }"""} }) addApiView('logging.clear', self.clear, docs = { 'desc': 'Remove all the log files' }) addApiView('logging.log', self.log, docs = { 'desc': 'Log errors', 'params': { 'type': {'desc': 'Type of logging, default "error"'}, '**kwargs': {'type': 'object', 'desc': 'All other params will be printed in the log string.'}, } }) def get(self, nr = 0, **kwargs): nr = tryInt(nr) current_path = None total = 1 for x in range(0, 50): path = '%s%s' % (Env.get('log_path'), '.%s' % x if x > 0 else '') # Check see if the log exists if not os.path.isfile(path): total = x - 1 break # Set current path if x is nr: current_path = path log_content = '' if current_path: f = open(current_path, 'r') log_content = logs = self.toList(log_content) return { 'success': True, 'log': logs, 'total': total, } def partial(self, type = 'all', lines = 30, offset = 0, **kwargs): total_lines = tryInt(lines) offset = tryInt(offset) log_lines = [] for x in range(0, 50): path = '%s%s' % (Env.get('log_path'), '.%s' % x if x > 0 else '') # Check see if the log exists if not os.path.isfile(path): break f = open(path, 'r') log_content = toUnicode( raw_lines = self.toList(log_content) raw_lines.reverse() brk = False for line in raw_lines: if type == 'all' or line.get('type') == type.upper(): log_lines.append(line) if len(log_lines) >= (total_lines + offset): brk = True break if brk: break log_lines = log_lines[offset:] log_lines.reverse() return { 'success': True, 'log': log_lines, } def toList(self, log_content = ''): logs_raw = re.split(r'\[0m\n', toUnicode(log_content)) logs = [] re_split = r'\x1b' for log_line in logs_raw: split = re.split(re_split, log_line) if split and len(split) == 3: try: date, time, log_type = splitString(split[0], ' ') timestamp = '%s %s' % (date, time) except: timestamp = 'UNKNOWN' log_type = 'UNKNOWN' message = ''.join(split[1]) if len(split) > 1 else split[0] message = re.sub('\[\d+m\[', '[', message) logs.append({ 'time': timestamp, 'type': log_type, 'message': message }) return logs def clear(self, **kwargs): for x in range(0, 50): path = '%s%s' % (Env.get('log_path'), '.%s' % x if x > 0 else '') if not os.path.isfile(path): continue try: # Create empty file for current logging if x is 0: self.createFile(path, '') else: os.remove(path) except: log.error('Couldn\'t delete file "%s": %s', (path, traceback.format_exc())) return { 'success': True } def log(self, type = 'error', **kwargs): try: log_message = 'API log: %s' % kwargs try: getattr(log, type)(log_message) except: log.error(log_message) except: log.error('Couldn\'t log via API: %s', kwargs) return { 'success': True }