Source code for couchpotato.core.plugins.dashboard

import random as rndm
import time
from CodernityDB.database import RecordDeleted, RecordNotFound

from couchpotato import get_db
from couchpotato.api import addApiView
from couchpotato.core.event import fireEvent
from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import splitString, tryInt
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog
from couchpotato.core.plugins.base import Plugin

log = CPLog(__name__)

autoload = 'Dashboard'

[docs]class Dashboard(Plugin):
def __init__(self): addApiView('dashboard.soon', self.getSoonView) def getSoonView(self, limit_offset = None, random = False, late = False, **kwargs): db = get_db() now = time.time() # Get profiles first, determine pre or post theater profiles = fireEvent('profile.all', single = True) pre_releases = fireEvent('quality.pre_releases', single = True) # See what the profile contain and cache it profile_pre = {} for profile in profiles: contains = {} for q_identifier in profile.get('qualities', []): contains['theater' if q_identifier in pre_releases else 'dvd'] = True profile_pre[profile.get('_id')] = contains # Add limit limit = 12 if limit_offset: splt = splitString(limit_offset) if isinstance(limit_offset, (str, unicode)) else limit_offset limit = tryInt(splt[0]) # Get all active medias active_ids = [x['_id'] for x in fireEvent('media.with_status', 'active', with_doc = False, single = True)] medias = [] if len(active_ids) > 0: # Order by title or randomize if not random: orders_ids = db.all('media_title') active_ids = [x['_id'] for x in orders_ids if x['_id'] in active_ids] else: rndm.shuffle(active_ids) for media_id in active_ids: try: media = db.get('id', media_id) except RecordDeleted: log.debug('Record already deleted: %s', media_id) continue except RecordNotFound: log.debug('Record not found: %s', media_id) continue pp = profile_pre.get(media.get('profile_id')) if not pp: continue eta = media['info'].get('release_date', {}) or {} coming_soon = False # Theater quality if pp.get('theater') and fireEvent('movie.searcher.could_be_released', True, eta, media['info']['year'], single = True): coming_soon = 'theater' elif pp.get('dvd') and fireEvent('movie.searcher.could_be_released', False, eta, media['info']['year'], single = True): coming_soon = 'dvd' if coming_soon: # Don't list older movies eta_date = eta.get(coming_soon) eta_3month_passed = eta_date < (now - 7862400) # Release was more than 3 months ago if (not late and not eta_3month_passed) or \ (late and eta_3month_passed): add = True # Check if it doesn't have any releases if late: media['releases'] = fireEvent('release.for_media', media['_id'], single = True) for release in media.get('releases', []): if release.get('status') in ['snatched', 'available', 'seeding', 'downloaded']: add = False break if add: medias.append(media) if len(medias) >= limit: break return { 'success': True, 'empty': len(medias) == 0, 'movies': medias, } getLateView = getSoonView