Source code for couchpotato.core.plugins.base

import threading
from urllib import quote, getproxies
from urlparse import urlparse
import os.path
import time
import traceback

from couchpotato.core.event import fireEvent, addEvent
from couchpotato.core.helpers.encoding import ss, toSafeString, \
    toUnicode, sp
from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import md5, isLocalIP, scanForPassword, tryInt, getIdentifier, \
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog
from couchpotato.environment import Env
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3 import Timeout
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import MaxRetryError
from tornado import template

log = CPLog(__name__)

[docs]class Plugin(object):
_class_name = None _database = None plugin_path = None enabled_option = 'enabled' _needs_shutdown = False _running = None _locks = {} user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0' http_last_use = {} http_last_use_queue = {} http_time_between_calls = 0 http_failed_request = {} http_failed_disabled = {} def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): new_plugin = super(Plugin, cls).__new__(cls) new_plugin.registerPlugin() return new_plugin def registerPlugin(self): addEvent('app.do_shutdown', self.doShutdown) addEvent('plugin.running', self.isRunning) self._running = [] # Setup database if self._database: addEvent('database.setup', self.databaseSetup) def databaseSetup(self): for index_name in self._database: klass = self._database[index_name] fireEvent('database.setup_index', index_name, klass) def conf(self, attr, value = None, default = None, section = None): class_name = self.getName().lower().split(':')[0].lower() return Env.setting(attr, section = section if section else class_name, value = value, default = default) def deleteConf(self, attr): return Env._settings.delete(attr, section = self.getName().lower().split(':')[0].lower()) def getName(self): return self._class_name or self.__class__.__name__ def setName(self, name): self._class_name = name def renderTemplate(self, parent_file, templ, **params): t = template.Template(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(parent_file), templ), 'r').read()) return t.generate(**params) def createFile(self, path, content, binary = False): path = sp(path) self.makeDir(os.path.dirname(path)) if os.path.exists(path): log.debug('%s already exists, overwriting file with new version', path) write_type = 'w+' if not binary else 'w+b' # Stream file using response object if isinstance(content, requests.models.Response): # Write file to temp with open('%s.tmp' % path, write_type) as f: for chunk in content.iter_content(chunk_size = 1048576): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) f.flush() # Rename to destination os.rename('%s.tmp' % path, path) else: try: f = open(path, write_type) f.write(content) f.close() try: os.chmod(path, Env.getPermission('file')) except: log.error('Failed writing permission to file "%s": %s', (path, traceback.format_exc())) except: log.error('Unable to write file "%s": %s', (path, traceback.format_exc())) if os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) def makeDir(self, path): path = sp(path) try: if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path, Env.getPermission('folder')) return True except Exception as e: log.error('Unable to create folder "%s": %s', (path, e)) return False def deleteEmptyFolder(self, folder, show_error = True, only_clean = None): folder = sp(folder) for item in os.listdir(folder): full_folder = sp(os.path.join(folder, item)) if not only_clean or (item in only_clean and os.path.isdir(full_folder)): for subfolder, dirs, files in os.walk(full_folder, topdown = False): try: os.rmdir(subfolder) except: if show_error: log.info2('Couldn\'t remove directory %s: %s', (subfolder, traceback.format_exc())) try: os.rmdir(folder) except: if show_error: log.error('Couldn\'t remove empty directory %s: %s', (folder, traceback.format_exc())) # http request def urlopen(self, url, timeout = 30, data = None, headers = None, files = None, show_error = True, stream = False): url = quote(ss(url), safe = "%/:=&?~#+!$,;'@()*[]") if not headers: headers = {} if not data: data = {} # Fill in some headers parsed_url = urlparse(url) host = '%s%s' % (parsed_url.hostname, (':' + str(parsed_url.port) if parsed_url.port else '')) headers['Referer'] = headers.get('Referer', '%s://%s' % (parsed_url.scheme, host)) headers['Host'] = headers.get('Host', None) headers['User-Agent'] = headers.get('User-Agent', self.user_agent) headers['Accept-encoding'] = headers.get('Accept-encoding', 'gzip') headers['Connection'] = headers.get('Connection', 'keep-alive') headers['Cache-Control'] = headers.get('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0') use_proxy = Env.setting('use_proxy') proxy_url = None if use_proxy: proxy_server = Env.setting('proxy_server') proxy_username = Env.setting('proxy_username') proxy_password = Env.setting('proxy_password') if proxy_server: loc = "{0}:{1}@{2}".format(proxy_username, proxy_password, proxy_server) if proxy_username else proxy_server proxy_url = { "http": "http://"+loc, "https": "https://"+loc, } else: proxy_url = getproxies() r = Env.get('http_opener') # Don't try for failed requests if self.http_failed_disabled.get(host, 0) > 0: if self.http_failed_disabled[host] > (time.time() - 900): log.info2('Disabled calls to %s for 15 minutes because so many failed requests.', host) if not show_error: raise Exception('Disabled calls to %s for 15 minutes because so many failed requests' % host) else: return '' else: del self.http_failed_request[host] del self.http_failed_disabled[host] self.wait(host, url) status_code = None try: kwargs = { 'headers': headers, 'data': data if len(data) > 0 else None, 'timeout': timeout, 'files': files, 'verify': False, #verify_ssl, Disable for now as to many wrongly implemented certificates.. 'stream': stream, 'proxies': proxy_url, } method = 'post' if len(data) > 0 or files else 'get''Opening url: %s %s, data: %s', (method, url, [x for x in data.keys()] if isinstance(data, dict) else 'with data')) response = r.request(method, url, **kwargs) status_code = response.status_code if response.status_code == data = response if stream else response.content else: response.raise_for_status() self.http_failed_request[host] = 0 except (IOError, MaxRetryError, Timeout): if show_error: log.error('Failed opening url in %s: %s %s', (self.getName(), url, traceback.format_exc(0))) # Save failed requests by hosts try: # To many requests if status_code in [429]: self.http_failed_request[host] = 1 self.http_failed_disabled[host] = time.time() if not self.http_failed_request.get(host): self.http_failed_request[host] = 1 else: self.http_failed_request[host] += 1 # Disable temporarily if self.http_failed_request[host] > 5 and not isLocalIP(host): self.http_failed_disabled[host] = time.time() except: log.debug('Failed logging failed requests for %s: %s', (url, traceback.format_exc())) raise self.http_last_use[host] = time.time() return data def wait(self, host = '', url = ''): if self.http_time_between_calls == 0: return try: if host not in self.http_last_use_queue: self.http_last_use_queue[host] = [] self.http_last_use_queue[host].append(url) while True and not self.shuttingDown(): wait = (self.http_last_use.get(host, 0) - time.time()) + self.http_time_between_calls if self.http_last_use_queue[host][0] != url: time.sleep(.1) continue if wait > 0: log.debug('Waiting for %s, %d seconds', (self.getName(), max(1, wait))) time.sleep(min(wait, 30)) else: self.http_last_use_queue[host] = self.http_last_use_queue[host][1:] self.http_last_use[host] = time.time() break except: log.error('Failed handling waiting call: %s', traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep(self.http_time_between_calls) def beforeCall(self, handler): self.isRunning('%s.%s' % (self.getName(), handler.__name__)) def afterCall(self, handler): self.isRunning('%s.%s' % (self.getName(), handler.__name__), False) def doShutdown(self, *args, **kwargs): self.shuttingDown(True) return True def shuttingDown(self, value = None): if value is None: return self._needs_shutdown self._needs_shutdown = value def isRunning(self, value = None, boolean = True): if value is None: return self._running if boolean: self._running.append(value) else: try: self._running.remove(value) except: log.error("Something went wrong when finishing the plugin function. Could not find the 'is_running' key") def getCache(self, cache_key, url = None, **kwargs): use_cache = not len(kwargs.get('data', {})) > 0 and not kwargs.get('files') if use_cache: cache_key_md5 = md5(cache_key) cache = Env.get('cache').get(cache_key_md5) if cache: if not Env.get('dev'): log.debug('Getting cache %s', cache_key) return cache if url: try: cache_timeout = 300 if 'cache_timeout' in kwargs: cache_timeout = kwargs.get('cache_timeout') del kwargs['cache_timeout'] data = self.urlopen(url, **kwargs) if data and cache_timeout > 0 and use_cache: self.setCache(cache_key, data, timeout = cache_timeout) return data except: if not kwargs.get('show_error', True): raise log.debug('Failed getting cache: %s', (traceback.format_exc(0))) return '' def setCache(self, cache_key, value, timeout = 300): cache_key_md5 = md5(cache_key) log.debug('Setting cache %s', cache_key) Env.get('cache').set(cache_key_md5, value, timeout) return value def createNzbName(self, data, media, unique_tag = False): release_name = data.get('name') tag = self.cpTag(media, unique_tag = unique_tag) # Check if password is filename name_password = scanForPassword(data.get('name')) if name_password: release_name, password = name_password tag += '{{%s}}' % password elif data.get('password'): tag += '{{%s}}' % data.get('password') max_length = 127 - len(tag) # Some filesystems don't support 128+ long filenames return '%s%s' % (toSafeString(toUnicode(release_name)[:max_length]), tag) def createFileName(self, data, filedata, media, unique_tag = False): name = self.createNzbName(data, media, unique_tag = unique_tag) if data.get('protocol') == 'nzb' and 'DOCTYPE nzb' not in filedata and '</nzb>' not in filedata: return '%s.%s' % (name, 'rar') return '%s.%s' % (name, data.get('protocol')) def cpTag(self, media, unique_tag = False): tag = '' if Env.setting('enabled', 'renamer') or unique_tag: identifier = getIdentifier(media) or '' unique_tag = ', ' + randomString() if unique_tag else '' tag = '.cp(' tag += identifier tag += ', ' if unique_tag and identifier else '' tag += randomString() if unique_tag else '' tag += ')' return tag if len(tag) > 7 else '' def checkFilesChanged(self, files, unchanged_for = 60): now = time.time() file_too_new = False file_time = [] for cur_file in files: # File got removed while checking if not os.path.isfile(cur_file): file_too_new = now break # File has changed in last 60 seconds file_time = self.getFileTimes(cur_file) for t in file_time: if t > now - unchanged_for: file_too_new = tryInt(time.time() - t) break if file_too_new: break if file_too_new: try: time_string = time.ctime(file_time[0]) except: try: time_string = time.ctime(file_time[1]) except: time_string = 'unknown' return file_too_new, time_string return False, None def getFileTimes(self, file_path): return [os.path.getmtime(file_path), os.path.getctime(file_path) if != 'posix' else 0] def isDisabled(self): return not self.isEnabled() def isEnabled(self): return self.conf(self.enabled_option) or self.conf(self.enabled_option) is None def acquireLock(self, key): lock = self._locks.get(key) if not lock: self._locks[key] = threading.RLock() log.debug('Acquiring lock: %s', key) self._locks.get(key).acquire() def releaseLock(self, key): lock = self._locks.get(key) if lock: log.debug('Releasing lock: %s', key) self._locks.get(key).release()