Source code for couchpotato.core.plugins.automation

from couchpotato.core.event import addEvent, fireEvent
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog
from couchpotato.core.plugins.base import Plugin
from couchpotato.environment import Env

log = CPLog(__name__)

autoload = 'Automation'

[docs]class Automation(Plugin):
def __init__(self): addEvent('app.load', self.setCrons) if not Env.get('dev'): addEvent('app.load', self.addMovies) addEvent('', self.setCrons) def setCrons(self): fireEvent('schedule.interval', 'automation.add_movies', self.addMovies, hours = self.conf('hour', default = 12)) def addMovies(self): movies = fireEvent('automation.get_movies', merge = True) movie_ids = [] for imdb_id in movies: if self.shuttingDown(): break prop_name = 'automation.added.%s' % imdb_id added = Env.prop(prop_name, default = False) if not added: added_movie = fireEvent('movie.add', params = {'identifier': imdb_id}, force_readd = False, search_after = False, update_after = True, single = True) if added_movie: movie_ids.append(added_movie['_id']) Env.prop(prop_name, True) for movie_id in movie_ids: if self.shuttingDown(): break movie_dict = fireEvent('media.get', movie_id, single = True) if movie_dict: fireEvent('movie.searcher.single', movie_dict) return True config = [{ 'name': 'automation', 'order': 101, 'groups': [ { 'tab': 'automation', 'name': 'automation', 'label': 'Minimal movie requirements', 'options': [ { 'name': 'year', 'default': 2011, 'type': 'int', }, { 'name': 'votes', 'default': 1000, 'type': 'int', }, { 'name': 'rating', 'default': 7.0, 'type': 'float', }, { 'name': 'hour', 'advanced': True, 'default': 12, 'label': 'Check every', 'type': 'int', 'unit': 'hours', 'description': 'hours', }, { 'name': 'required_genres', 'label': 'Required Genres', 'default': '', 'placeholder': 'Example: Action, Crime & Drama', 'description': ('Ignore movies that don\'t contain at least one set of genres.', 'Sets are separated by "," and each word within a set must be separated with "&"') }, { 'name': 'ignored_genres', 'label': 'Ignored Genres', 'default': '', 'placeholder': 'Example: Horror, Comedy & Drama & Romance', 'description': 'Ignore movies that contain at least one set of genres. Sets work the same as above.' }, ], }, ], }]