Source code for couchpotato.core.notifications.telegrambot

from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import splitString
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog
from couchpotato.core.notifications.base import Notification
import requests
import six

log = CPLog(__name__)

autoload = 'TelegramBot'

[docs]class TelegramBot(Notification):
TELEGRAM_API = "" def notify(self, message = '', data = None, listener = None): if not data: data = {} # Get configuration data token = self.conf('bot_token') usr_id = self.conf('receiver_user_id') # Cosntruct message payload = {'chat_id': usr_id, 'text': message} # Send message user Telegram's Bot API response = % (token, "sendMessage"), data=payload) # Error logging sent_successfuly = True if not response.status_code == 200: log.error('Could not send notification to TelegramBot (token=%s). Response: [%s]', (token, response.text)) sent_successfuly = False return sent_successfuly config = [{ 'name': 'telegrambot', 'groups': [ { 'tab': 'notifications', 'list': 'notification_providers', 'name': 'telegrambot', 'label': 'Telegram Bot', 'description': 'Notification provider which utilizes the bot API of the famous Telegram IM.', 'options': [ { 'name': 'enabled', 'default': 0, 'type': 'enabler', }, { 'name': 'bot_token', 'description': 'Your bot token. Contact <a href="">@BotFather</a> on Telegram to get one.' }, { 'name': 'receiver_user_id', 'label': 'Recieving User/Group ID', 'description': 'Receiving user/group - notifications will be sent to this user or group. Contact <a href="">@myidbot</a> on Telegram to get an ID.' }, { 'name': 'on_snatch', 'default': 0, 'type': 'bool', 'advanced': True, 'description': 'Also send message when movie is snatched.', }, ], } ], }]