Source code for couchpotato.core.notifications.plex.server

from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from urlparse import urlparse
import traceback

from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import cleanHost
from couchpotato import CPLog

    import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
except ImportError:
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

log = CPLog(__name__)

[docs]class PlexServer(object): def __init__(self, plex): self.plex = plex self.clients = {} self.last_clients_update = None
[docs] def staleClients(self): if not self.last_clients_update: return True return self.last_clients_update + timedelta(minutes=15) <
[docs] def request(self, path, data_type='xml'): if not self.plex.conf('media_server'): log.warning("Plex media server hostname is required") return None if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] #Maintain support for older Plex installations without myPlex if not self.plex.conf('auth_token') and not self.plex.conf('username') and not self.plex.conf('password'): data = self.plex.urlopen('%s/%s' % ( self.createHost(self.plex.conf('media_server'), port = 32400), path )) else: #Fetch X-Plex-Token if it doesn't exist but a username/password do if not self.plex.conf('auth_token') and (self.plex.conf('username') and self.plex.conf('password')): import urllib2, base64"Fetching a new X-Plex-Token from") username = self.plex.conf('username') password = self.plex.conf('password') req = urllib2.Request("", data="") authheader = "Basic %s" % base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password))[:-1] req.add_header("Authorization", authheader) req.add_header("X-Plex-Product", "Couchpotato Notifier") req.add_header("X-Plex-Client-Identifier", "b3a6b24dcab2224bdb101fc6aa08ea5e2f3147d6") req.add_header("X-Plex-Version", "1.0") try: response = urllib2.urlopen(req) except urllib2.URLError, e:'Error fetching token from %s', traceback.format_exc()) try: auth_tree = etree.parse(response) token = auth_tree.findall(".//authentication-token")[0].text self.plex.conf('auth_token', token) except (ValueError, IndexError) as e:"Error parsing response: " + ex(e)) #Add X-Plex-Token header for myPlex support workaround data = self.plex.urlopen('%s/%s?X-Plex-Token=%s' % ( self.createHost(self.plex.conf('media_server'), port = 32400), path, self.plex.conf('auth_token') )) if data_type == 'xml': return etree.fromstring(data) else: return data
[docs] def updateClients(self, client_names):'Searching for clients on Plex Media Server') self.clients = {} result = self.request('clients') if not result: return found_clients = [ c for c in result.findall('Server') if c.get('name') and c.get('name').lower() in client_names ] # Store client details in cache for client in found_clients: name = client.get('name').lower() self.clients[name] = { 'name': client.get('name'), 'found': True, 'address': client.get('address'), 'port': client.get('port'), 'protocol': client.get('protocol', 'xbmchttp') } client_names.remove(name) # Store dummy info for missing clients for client_name in client_names: self.clients[client_name] = { 'found': False } if len(client_names) > 0: log.debug('Unable to find clients: %s', ', '.join(client_names)) self.last_clients_update =
[docs] def refresh(self, section_types=None): if not section_types: section_types = ['movie'] sections = self.request('library/sections') try: for section in sections.findall('Directory'): if section.get('type') not in section_types: continue self.request('library/sections/%s/refresh' % section.get('key'), 'text') except: log.error('Plex library update failed for %s, Media Server not running: %s', (self.plex.conf('media_server'), traceback.format_exc(1))) return False return True
[docs] def createHost(self, host, port = None):
h = cleanHost(host) p = urlparse(h) h = h.rstrip('/') if port and not p.port: h += ':%s' % port return h