Source code for couchpotato.core.notifications.notifymyandroid

from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import splitString
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog
from couchpotato.core.notifications.base import Notification
import pynma
import six

log = CPLog(__name__)

autoload = 'NotifyMyAndroid'

[docs]class NotifyMyAndroid(Notification):
def notify(self, message = '', data = None, listener = None): if not data: data = {} nma = pynma.PyNMA() keys = splitString(self.conf('api_key')) nma.addkey(keys) nma.developerkey(self.conf('dev_key')) response = nma.push( application = self.default_title, event = message.split(' ')[0], description = message, priority = self.conf('priority'), batch_mode = len(keys) > 1 ) successful = 0 for key in keys: if not response[str(key)]['code'] == six.u('200'): log.error('Could not send notification to NotifyMyAndroid (%s). %s', (key, response[key]['message'])) else: successful += 1 return successful == len(keys) config = [{ 'name': 'notifymyandroid', 'groups': [ { 'tab': 'notifications', 'list': 'notification_providers', 'name': 'notifymyandroid', 'label': 'Notify My Android', 'options': [ { 'name': 'enabled', 'default': 0, 'type': 'enabler', }, { 'name': 'api_key', 'description': 'Multiple keys seperated by a comma. Maximum of 5.' }, { 'name': 'dev_key', 'advanced': True, }, { 'name': 'priority', 'default': 0, 'type': 'dropdown', 'values': [('Very Low', -2), ('Moderate', -1), ('Normal', 0), ('High', 1), ('Emergency', 2)], }, { 'name': 'on_snatch', 'default': 0, 'type': 'bool', 'advanced': True, 'description': 'Also send message when movie is snatched.', }, ], } ], }]