Source code for couchpotato.core.notifications.core.main

from operator import itemgetter
import threading
import time
import traceback
import uuid
from CodernityDB.database import RecordDeleted

from couchpotato import get_db
from couchpotato.api import addApiView, addNonBlockApiView
from couchpotato.core.event import addEvent, fireEvent
from couchpotato.core.helpers.encoding import toUnicode
from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import tryInt, splitString
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog
from couchpotato.core.notifications.base import Notification
from .index import NotificationIndex, NotificationUnreadIndex
from couchpotato.environment import Env
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop

log = CPLog(__name__)

[docs]class CoreNotifier(Notification):
_database = { 'notification': NotificationIndex, 'notification_unread': NotificationUnreadIndex } m_lock = None listen_to = [ 'media.available', 'renamer.after', 'movie.snatched', 'updater.available', 'updater.updated', 'core.message', 'core.message.important', ] def __init__(self): super(CoreNotifier, self).__init__() addEvent('notify', self.notify) addEvent('notify.frontend', self.frontend) addApiView('notification.markread', self.markAsRead, docs = { 'desc': 'Mark notifications as read', 'params': { 'ids': {'desc': 'Notification id you want to mark as read. All if ids is empty.', 'type': 'int (comma separated)'}, }, }) addApiView('notification.list', self.listView, docs = { 'desc': 'Get list of notifications', 'params': { 'limit_offset': {'desc': 'Limit and offset the notification list. Examples: "50" or "50,30"'}, }, 'return': {'type': 'object', 'example': """{ 'success': True, 'empty': bool, any notification returned or not, 'notifications': array, notifications found, }"""} }) addNonBlockApiView('notification.listener', (self.addListener, self.removeListener)) addApiView('notification.listener', self.listener) fireEvent('schedule.interval', 'core.check_messages', self.checkMessages, hours = 12, single = True) fireEvent('schedule.interval', 'core.clean_messages', self.cleanMessages, seconds = 15, single = True) addEvent('app.load', self.clean) if not Env.get('dev'): addEvent('app.load', self.checkMessages) self.messages = [] self.listeners = [] self.m_lock = threading.Lock() def clean(self): try: db = get_db() for n in db.all('notification', with_doc = True): if n['doc'].get('time', 0) <= (int(time.time()) - 2419200): db.delete(n['doc']) except: log.error('Failed cleaning notification: %s', traceback.format_exc()) def markAsRead(self, ids = None, **kwargs): ids = splitString(ids) if ids else None try: db = get_db() for x in db.all('notification_unread', with_doc = True): if not ids or x['_id'] in ids: x['doc']['read'] = True db.update(x['doc']) return { 'success': True } except: log.error('Failed mark as read: %s', traceback.format_exc()) return { 'success': False } def listView(self, limit_offset = None, **kwargs): db = get_db() if limit_offset: splt = splitString(limit_offset) limit = tryInt(splt[0]) offset = tryInt(0 if len(splt) is 1 else splt[1]) results = db.all('notification', limit = limit, offset = offset, with_doc = True) else: results = db.all('notification', limit = 200, with_doc = True) notifications = [] for n in results: notifications.append(n['doc']) return { 'success': True, 'empty': len(notifications) == 0, 'notifications': notifications } def checkMessages(self): prop_name = 'messages.last_check' last_check = tryInt(Env.prop(prop_name, default = 0)) messages = fireEvent('cp.messages', last_check = last_check, single = True) or [] for message in messages: if message.get('time') > last_check: message['sticky'] = True # Always sticky core messages message_type = 'core.message.important' if message.get('important') else 'core.message' fireEvent(message_type, message = message.get('message'), data = message) if last_check < message.get('time'): last_check = message.get('time') Env.prop(prop_name, value = last_check) def notify(self, message = '', data = None, listener = None): if not data: data = {} n = { '_t': 'notification', 'time': int(time.time()), } try: db = get_db() n['message'] = toUnicode(message) if data.get('sticky'): n['sticky'] = True if data.get('important'): n['important'] = True db.insert(n) self.frontend(type = listener, data = n) return True except: log.error('Failed notify "%s": %s', (n, traceback.format_exc())) def frontend(self, type = 'notification', data = None, message = None): if not data: data = {} log.debug('Notifying frontend') self.m_lock.acquire() notification = { 'message_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'time': time.time(), 'type': type, 'data': data, 'message': message, } self.messages.append(notification) while len(self.listeners) > 0 and not self.shuttingDown(): try: listener, last_id = self.listeners.pop() IOLoop.current().add_callback(listener, { 'success': True, 'result': [notification], }) except: log.debug('Failed sending to listener: %s', traceback.format_exc()) self.listeners = [] self.m_lock.release() log.debug('Done notifying frontend') def addListener(self, callback, last_id = None): if last_id: messages = self.getMessages(last_id) if len(messages) > 0: return callback({ 'success': True, 'result': messages, }) self.m_lock.acquire() self.listeners.append((callback, last_id)) self.m_lock.release() def removeListener(self, callback): self.m_lock.acquire() new_listeners = [] for list_tuple in self.listeners: try: listener, last_id = list_tuple if listener != callback: new_listeners.append(list_tuple) except: log.debug('Failed removing listener: %s', traceback.format_exc()) self.listeners = new_listeners self.m_lock.release() def cleanMessages(self): if len(self.messages) == 0: return log.debug('Cleaning messages') self.m_lock.acquire() time_ago = (time.time() - 15) self.messages[:] = [m for m in self.messages if (m['time'] > time_ago)] self.m_lock.release() log.debug('Done cleaning messages') def getMessages(self, last_id): log.debug('Getting messages with id: %s', last_id) self.m_lock.acquire() recent = [] try: index = map(itemgetter('message_id'), self.messages).index(last_id) recent = self.messages[index + 1:] except: pass self.m_lock.release() log.debug('Returning for %s %s messages', (last_id, len(recent))) return recent def listener(self, init = False, **kwargs): messages = [] # Get last message if init: db = get_db() notifications = db.all('notification') for n in notifications: try: doc = db.get('id', n.get('_id')) if doc.get('time') > (time.time() - 604800): messages.append(doc) except RecordDeleted: pass return { 'success': True, 'result': messages, }