Source code for

from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring
import os
import re
import traceback
import xml.dom.minidom

from import MovieMetaData
from couchpotato.core.helpers.encoding import toUnicode
from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import getTitle
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog

autoload = 'WdtvLive'

log = CPLog(__name__)

[docs]class WdtvLive(MovieMetaData):
def getThumbnailName(self, name, root, i): return self.createMetaName('%s.jpg', name, root) def createMetaName(self, basename, name, root): return os.path.join(root, basename.replace('%s', name)) def getNfoName(self, name, root, i): return self.createMetaName('%s.xml', name, root) def getNfo(self, movie_info=None, data=None, i=0): if not data: data = {} if not movie_info: movie_info = {} nfoxml = Element('details') # Title try: el = SubElement(nfoxml, 'title') el.text = toUnicode(getTitle(data)) except: pass # IMDB id try: el = SubElement(nfoxml, 'id') el.text = toUnicode(data['identifier']) except: pass # Runtime try: runtime = SubElement(nfoxml, 'runtime') runtime.text = '%s min' % movie_info.get('runtime') except: pass # Other values types = ['year', 'mpaa', 'originaltitle:original_title', 'outline', 'plot', 'tagline', 'premiered:released'] for type in types: if ':' in type: name, type = type.split(':') else: name = type try: if movie_info.get(type): el = SubElement(nfoxml, name) el.text = toUnicode(movie_info.get(type, '')) except: pass # Rating for rating_type in ['imdb', 'rotten', 'tmdb']: try: r, v = movie_info['rating'][rating_type] rating = SubElement(nfoxml, 'rating') rating.text = str(r) votes = SubElement(nfoxml, 'votes') votes.text = str(v) break except: log.debug('Failed adding rating info from %s: %s', (rating_type, traceback.format_exc())) # Genre for genre in movie_info.get('genres', []): genres = SubElement(nfoxml, 'genre') genres.text = toUnicode(genre) # Actors for actor_name in movie_info.get('actor_roles', {}): role_name = movie_info['actor_roles'][actor_name] actor = SubElement(nfoxml, 'actor') name = SubElement(actor, 'name') name.text = toUnicode(actor_name) if role_name: role = SubElement(actor, 'role') role.text = toUnicode(role_name) if movie_info['images']['actors'].get(actor_name): thumb = SubElement(actor, 'thumb') thumb.text = toUnicode(movie_info['images']['actors'].get(actor_name)) # Directors for director_name in movie_info.get('directors', []): director = SubElement(nfoxml, 'director') director.text = toUnicode(director_name) # Writers for writer in movie_info.get('writers', []): writers = SubElement(nfoxml, 'credits') writers.text = toUnicode(writer) # Sets or collections collection_name = movie_info.get('collection') if collection_name: collection = SubElement(nfoxml, 'set') collection.text = toUnicode(collection_name) sorttitle = SubElement(nfoxml, 'sorttitle') sorttitle.text = '%s %s' % (toUnicode(collection_name), movie_info.get('year')) # Images for image_url in movie_info['images']['poster_original']: image = SubElement(nfoxml, 'thumb') image.text = toUnicode(image_url) image_types = [ ('fanart', 'backdrop_original'), ('banner', 'banner'), ('discart', 'disc_art'), ('logo', 'logo'), ('clearart', 'clear_art'), ('landscape', 'landscape'), ('extrathumb', 'extra_thumbs'), ('extrafanart', 'extra_fanart'), ] for image_type in image_types: sub, type = image_type sub_element = SubElement(nfoxml, sub) for image_url in movie_info['images'][type]: image = SubElement(sub_element, 'thumb') image.text = toUnicode(image_url) # Add trailer if found trailer_found = False if data.get('renamed_files'): for filename in data.get('renamed_files'): if 'trailer' in filename: trailer = SubElement(nfoxml, 'trailer') trailer.text = toUnicode(filename) trailer_found = True if not trailer_found and data['files'].get('trailer'): trailer = SubElement(nfoxml, 'trailer') trailer.text = toUnicode(data['files']['trailer'][0]) # Add file metadata fileinfo = SubElement(nfoxml, 'fileinfo') streamdetails = SubElement(fileinfo, 'streamdetails') # Video data if data['meta_data'].get('video'): video = SubElement(streamdetails, 'video') codec = SubElement(video, 'codec') codec.text = toUnicode(data['meta_data']['video']) aspect = SubElement(video, 'aspect') aspect.text = str(data['meta_data']['aspect']) width = SubElement(video, 'width') width.text = str(data['meta_data']['resolution_width']) height = SubElement(video, 'height') height.text = str(data['meta_data']['resolution_height']) # Audio data if data['meta_data'].get('audio'): audio = SubElement(streamdetails, 'audio') codec = SubElement(audio, 'codec') codec.text = toUnicode(data['meta_data'].get('audio')) channels = SubElement(audio, 'channels') channels.text = toUnicode(data['meta_data'].get('audio_channels')) # Clean up the xml and return it nfoxml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(tostring(nfoxml)) xml_string = nfoxml.toprettyxml(indent = ' ') text_re = re.compile('>\n\s+([^<>\s].*?)\n\s+</', re.DOTALL) xml_string = text_re.sub('>\g<1></', xml_string) return xml_string.encode('utf-8') config = [{ 'name': 'wdtvlive', 'groups': [ { 'tab': 'renamer', 'subtab': 'metadata', 'name': 'wdtvlive_metadata', 'label': 'WDTV Live', 'description': 'Metadata for WDTV', 'options': [ { 'name': 'meta_enabled', 'default': False, 'type': 'enabler', }, { 'name': 'meta_nfo', 'label': 'NFO', 'default': True, 'type': 'bool', 'description': 'Generate metadata xml', }, { 'name': 'meta_thumbnail', 'label': 'Thumbnail', 'default': True, 'type': 'bool', 'description': 'Generate thumbnail jpg', } ], }, ], }]