Source code for

import re

from couchpotato.core.helpers.rss import RSS
from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import tryInt, splitString
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog
from import Automation

log = CPLog(__name__)

autoload = 'CrowdAI'

[docs]class CrowdAI(Automation, RSS):
interval = 1800 def getIMDBids(self): movies = [] urls = dict(zip(splitString(self.conf('automation_urls')), [tryInt(x) for x in splitString(self.conf('automation_urls_use'))])) for url in urls: if not urls[url]: continue rss_movies = self.getRSSData(url) for movie in rss_movies: description = self.getTextElement(movie, 'description') grabs = 0 for item in movie: if item.attrib.get('name') == 'grabs': grabs = item.attrib.get('value') break if int(grabs) > tryInt(self.conf('number_grabs')): title = re.match(r'.*Title: .a href.*/">(.*) \(\d{4}\).*', description).group(1) log.info2('%s grabs for movie: %s, enqueue...', (grabs, title)) year = re.match(r'.*Year: (\d{4}).*', description).group(1) imdb =, year) if imdb and self.isMinimalMovie(imdb): movies.append(imdb['imdb']) return movies config = [{ 'name': 'crowdai', 'groups': [ { 'tab': 'automation', 'list': 'automation_providers', 'name': 'crowdai_automation', 'label': 'CrowdAI', 'description': ('Imports from any newznab powered NZB providers RSS feed depending on the number of grabs per movie.', 'Go to your newznab site and find the RSS section. Then copy the copy paste the link under "Movies > x264 feed" here.'), 'options': [ { 'name': 'automation_enabled', 'default': False, 'type': 'enabler', }, { 'name': 'automation_urls_use', 'label': 'Use', 'default': '1', }, { 'name': 'automation_urls', 'label': 'url', 'type': 'combined', 'combine': ['automation_urls_use', 'automation_urls'], 'default': 'http://YOUR_PROVIDER/rss?t=THE_MOVIE_CATEGORY&i=YOUR_USER_ID&r=YOUR_API_KEY&res=2&rls=2&num=100', }, { 'name': 'number_grabs', 'default': '500', 'label': 'Grab threshold', 'description': 'Number of grabs required', }, ], }, ], }]