Source code for couchpotato.core.downloaders.putio.main

from couchpotato.api import addApiView
from couchpotato.core.event import addEvent, fireEventAsync
from couchpotato.core._base.downloader.main import DownloaderBase, ReleaseDownloadList
from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import cleanHost
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog
from couchpotato.environment import Env
from pio import api as pio
import datetime

log = CPLog(__name__)

autoload = 'Putiodownload'

[docs]class PutIO(DownloaderBase):
protocol = ['torrent', 'torrent_magnet'] downloading_list = [] oauth_authenticate = '' def __init__(self): addApiView('downloader.putio.getfrom', self.getFromPutio, docs = { 'desc': 'Allows you to download file from prom', }) addApiView('downloader.putio.auth_url', self.getAuthorizationUrl) addApiView('downloader.putio.credentials', self.getCredentials) addEvent('', self.putioDownloader) return super(PutIO, self).__init__() # This is a recusive function to check for the folders def recursionFolder(self, client, folder = 0, tfolder = ''): files = client.File.list(folder) for f in files: if f.content_type == 'application/x-directory': if == tfolder: return else: result = self.recursionFolder(client,, tfolder) if result != 0: return result return 0 # This will check the root for the folder, and kick of recusively checking sub folder def convertFolder(self, client, folder): if folder == 0: return 0 else: return self.recursionFolder(client, 0, folder) def download(self, data = None, media = None, filedata = None): if not media: media = {} if not data: data = {}'Sending "%s" to', data.get('name')) url = data.get('url') client = pio.Client(self.conf('oauth_token')) putioFolder = self.convertFolder(client, self.conf('folder')) log.debug('putioFolder ID is %s', putioFolder) # It might be possible to call getFromPutio from the renamer if we can then we don't need to do this. # Note callback_host is NOT our address, it's the internet host that putio can call too callbackurl = None if self.conf('download'): callbackurl = 'http://' + self.conf('callback_host') + '%sdownloader.putio.getfrom/' %Env.get('api_base'.strip('/')) resp = client.Transfer.add_url(url, callback_url = callbackurl, parent_id = putioFolder) log.debug('resp is %s',; return self.downloadReturnId( def test(self): try: client = pio.Client(self.conf('oauth_token')) if client.File.list(): return True except:'Failed to get file listing, check OAUTH_TOKEN') return False def getAuthorizationUrl(self, host = None, **kwargs): callback_url = cleanHost(host) + '%sdownloader.putio.credentials/' % (Env.get('api_base').lstrip('/')) log.debug('callback_url is %s', callback_url) target_url = self.oauth_authenticate + "?target=" + callback_url log.debug('target_url is %s', target_url) return { 'success': True, 'url': target_url, } def getCredentials(self, **kwargs): try: oauth_token = kwargs.get('oauth') except: return 'redirect', Env.get('web_base') + 'settings/downloaders/' log.debug('oauth_token is: %s', oauth_token) self.conf('oauth_token', value = oauth_token); return 'redirect', Env.get('web_base') + 'settings/downloaders/' def getAllDownloadStatus(self, ids): log.debug('Checking putio download status.') client = pio.Client(self.conf('oauth_token')) transfers = client.Transfer.list() log.debug(transfers); release_downloads = ReleaseDownloadList(self) for t in transfers: if in ids: log.debug('downloading list is %s', self.downloading_list) if t.status == "COMPLETED" and self.conf('download') == False : status = 'completed' # So check if we are trying to download something elif t.status == "COMPLETED" and self.conf('download') == True: # Assume we are done status = 'completed' if not self.downloading_list: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() date_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(t.finished_at,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") # We need to make sure a race condition didn't happen if (now - date_time) < datetime.timedelta(minutes=5): # 5 minutes haven't passed so we wait status = 'busy' else: # If we have the file_id in the downloading_list mark it as busy if str(t.file_id) in self.downloading_list: status = 'busy' else: status = 'busy' release_downloads.append({ 'id' :, 'name':, 'status': status, 'timeleft': t.estimated_time, }) return release_downloads def putioDownloader(self, fid):' Real downloader called with file_id: %s',fid) client = pio.Client(self.conf('oauth_token')) log.debug('About to get file List') putioFolder = self.convertFolder(client, self.conf('folder')) log.debug('PutioFolderID is %s', putioFolder) files = client.File.list(parent_id=putioFolder) downloaddir = self.conf('download_dir') for f in files: if str( == str(fid):, dest = downloaddir, delete_after_download = self.conf('delete_file')) # Once the download is complete we need to remove it from the running list. self.downloading_list.remove(fid) return True def getFromPutio(self, **kwargs): try: file_id = str(kwargs.get('file_id')) except: return { 'success' : False, }' Download has been called file_id is %s', file_id) if file_id not in self.downloading_list: self.downloading_list.append(file_id) fireEventAsync('',fid = file_id) return { 'success': True, } return { 'success': False, }